Winter Wonderland – Excerpts From a Photo Shoot

I was blessed with a great photo opportunity during the holidays. We were in Seattle for Christmas weekend and on Christmas Eve it started to snow. What makes it even more spectacular than just the beauty of a white Christmas is that Seattle may get a snow or two during the winter months, but typically it is just cold rain. So, we were able to enjoy one of their infrequent snows and it started on Christmas Eve and lasted into Christmas morning. Yes, it was one of those peaceful snows with big fluffy flakes….really stunning. I haven’t personally experienced that at Christmas since our days in Denver almost 30 years ago.

We spent Christmas day with our son-in-laws family. They live on the outskirts of Seattle with lots of forest land around their neighborhood. Always traveling with my camera, my son-in-law and I went for a hike where I took the attached shots.

This first shot is the trail we hiked.

Couldn’t resist this capture with the snow covered branches arching over the trail.

We entered a clearing where I captured this lone tree all covered in snow.

Just loved the look of the trees….

Stunning was all I could think of……truly a winter wonderland!!

As we came back into the neighborhood we saw families and their children taking advantage of this opportunity….notice the wise mom positioned in front of the pond to prevent anyone from getting to close and personal with the water. Love it!!

Believe it or not, all of this was gone within two days…by the time we flew out it had all melted. The day after we left another storm moved in with lots of rain (the typical). Timing is everything!!  Thoughts?

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56 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland – Excerpts From a Photo Shoot

  1. Dan Antion

    Thanks for sharing your good luck with us Kirt. We also had a white Christmas, and a frigid start to the new year. None of our snow has melted, but some froze to death.

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      I was thinking of the east coast (our friends and neighbor were in Connecticut during the holidays) when I posted this…the temp we experience was just at the freezing mark, big difference from the bitter cold across the northern tier and east!

  2. saymber

    The Lone tree is so beautiful and the sledding picture immediately made me think of a classic painting. Well done Kirt! Glad you had such a lovely holiday! There is something magical to seeing fluffy snow falling – glistening in the sun or moonlight.

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      It was so quiet and still…so glad we were able to experience it…lived in San Diego for almost 25 years and here in Phoenix area for about 4 ys…has been awhile. Thanks for stopping by!!

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      We really did and this snow brought back so many memories for my wife and I. We both grew up in Iowa and lived in Denver for a number of years! It was the type of snow that is fun to be in because it isn’t that cold out!! Thanks for stopping by!

      1. Teagan R. Geneviene

        We’re finally supposed to get above freezing today. Not much snow, but horsefeathers! It’s been so cold. I’ve been wishing I went ahead and bought that place in Sun City a year ago (the one that came back with an insanely bad inspection report). Burrr! I’ve really got to get somewhere else.

      2. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

        It has been so nice down here….mid 70’s every day…sunny…suppose to get rain tonight. Can’t complain….that said if I lived in a four season climate again…Seattle I can handle. Doesn’t usually get extreme either way! I can so remember growing up in Iowa and high temps in Feb would be around zero….ugh….too cold and that was the high…brr

  3. Josh Wrenn

    Seattle hardly ever gets snow, and never on Christmas when I lived there, and it figures that when I am in a place that usuallly gets more snow that Seattle would have a white Christmas and we have been dry. No fair!
    Beautiful pictures!

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      Josh…glad to hear from you!! Been thinking about you…hope all is well. We were surprised also…I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful it was. My son in law and I took the dogs for a walk Christmas Eve and couldn’t get over how it looked and felt like a Hollywood movie it was so cool!! Wishing you the best for 2018!! I appreciate your honesty and sharing on your blog!! My best to you!!

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      Thanks Diane…how much have you guys received?? I also have the luxury if you will of flying home to warmth and no snow! It truly was an opportunity that I knew wouldn’t last long.

      1. Diane Henders

        That’s the prettiest type of snow: the transient kind! We had about two feet in December (which the locals keep assuring me is “unheard-of”). It’s melting now, and we’re down about about 4″, with some bare spots. I suspect we’ll get more before the winter is over, but I’m hoping this batch melts first. The weather looks warm and rainy for the next week, so fingers crossed!

      2. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

        The snow in Seattle was about 4-6″ depending on where in the metro area you were. Two feet…I can remember a few snows like that when we lived in Denver many many moons ago…that is a crap load of snow! The good news it has mostly melted for you and winter rains are back in your forecast….

  4. philosophermouseofthehedge

    Really magical. You captured the cold beauty. Stunning, indeed.
    Got a smile over the kids and moms blocking the pond. That elbow angle and that hip/spine tilt tells it all. But what are you going to do – they are only kids once and so you stand there with freezing feet, right?

  5. oldpoet56

    I am not a fan of winter as I personally hate being cold, but, these are very nice pictures, very pretty. I have often said that I wouldn’t mind snow if it could do it at 70 degrees and wouldn’t cause icy roads.

    1. Kirt D Tisdale Post author

      I hear you…we have lived in warm climates for the last 30 years….but grew up in Iowa and lived in Denver for 12 years, so I know cold and ice. From a photography aspect, it was one of those “Kodak moments”. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for taking the time to comment!

  6. gillmorris

    What a fabulous place and it is such a winter wonderland as you say. I love snow when it’s like that. We had a few hours of heavy, thick snow fall in the UK but it never lasts. It turns to slush then it disappears almost as soon as it hits the ground. I hope you had a great time with your family. Happy New Year to you. I hope 2018 brings only good things to you and yours 🙂

      1. reocochran

        All is well with me, as are the family continuing to thrive, Kirt. I’m so glad you may have been “stunned,” but quickly caught all that ensued in this beautiful scenery! 🌨

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